Outdoor Art In Urban Gardens


By Mostyn de Beer

Mostyn de Beer is an experienced artist educator based in Sweden. Mostyn is especially interested in environmental art; his practice investigates links between creating art and environmental education. In this post Mostyn shares a recent project he facilitated with the aim of connecting children to gardening through art.

Using a Magnifying Glass Near The Weaving Frame by Mostyn De Beer

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AccessArt is a UK Charity and we believe everyone has the right to be creative. AccessArt provides inspiration to help us all reach our creative potential.

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“With many art lessons happening inside classrooms and often seated behind desks – it’s great to see an idea in practice that involves working outside and working collaboratively. This activity could be adapted to work within a school playground, perhaps with different year groups working together to form a shared artwork. The project could then be extended into further exploration of weaving,using yarn and inventive ways of creating fabrics” – Tobi, AccessArt. 

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