Newspaper Heads by Sharon Gale


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newspaper heads - Animal Heads made by pupils in the Art Cabin at Northaw CE Primary School, Hertfordshire
Animal Heads made by pupils in the Art Cabin at Northaw CE Primary School, Hertfordshire


Textile and graphic artist Sharon Gale shows pupils in the Art Cabin at Northaw CE Primary School in Hertfordshire, how to make colourful, painted Newspaper Animal Heads.

This project was shared with AccessArt as part of the 40 Artist Educator Project, funded by Arts Council England, aiming to highlight and celebrate artist-led teaching and facilitation.

Newspaper Animal Heads by Sharon Gale

This is a great little painting project that doesn’t take too long to do. We began by drawing an outline of a large but simply shaped animal head on two whole sheets of newspaper folded in their natural crease line. It’s important not to make the ears too narrow as eventually the head will be stuffed with crumpled newspaper or tissues.

To help younger children in the group I created some animal head templates in advance, this is also a good idea if you are short of time.

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