Mural and Workshop Project at Chesterton Community College in Collaboration with Jon Bates from Blight Society

By Morgain Murray Williams

This project started out as getting Blight Society back to Chesterton Community College, Cambridge to do a mural. Jon had already painted one a few years ago and our Head Lucy Scott was keen to commission another mural on a block that was being refurbished. We realised that it would be worth him working with students while he was here as it was obvious the street art style would inspire some of our art students.

The finished mural - CCC - Morgain Williams
The finished mural


Jon was asked to recreate a former student, Rhiannon Laslett’s, GCSE art work as a large mural. This is the second time Jon has recreated a student’s GCSE piece. It is a great way to honour a student and have high quality original artwork around the school site. It has a big visual impact when you arrive at Chesterton and makes it known that this is a place where the arts are valued.

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