Monoprinting with Oil Pastel and Carbon Copy Paper

By Paula Briggs

Carbon copy paper is a great material for making simple prints with children, and it was perfect for this session on monoprinting, in which I encouraged the children to look carefully at their subject matter and make thoughtful marks in response. Children loved the element of surprise as they peeled away their carbon paper to reveal their print – and they loved even more working back into their print to create layers of texture. The addition of oil pastel enabled children to experiment with colour and mass as well as line.

In the AccessArt Art Club for ages 6 to 10 we have been working with fossils we borrowed from the Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences in Cambridge. This activity was run as part of a “Thoughtful Mark Making” session which you can find here.

This project is taken from Drawing Projects for Children.


Monoprinting: Carbon and oil pastel monoprint
Carbon and oil pastel monoprint


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