Treasure Box by Maria Merridan

‘It is sometimes felt as a longing for a far-off country, but not a particular earthly land which we can identify. Furthermore there is something in the experience which suggests this far-off country is very familiar and indicative of what we might otherwise call “home”. In this sense it is a type of nostalgia, in the original sense of that word.’ Wikipedia
I cannot tell you what my box contains, this is secret, but I can tell you it is extremely heavy.
My box is a parcel, weighed and stamped ready to depart to New Zealand.
Parting is not easy.
My box is on a journey to the other side of the world, it is going back to one of the places I travelled to eleven years ago. The contents will be shaken, bashed and eventually dispersed. I do not know when they will arrive. I do know my box and I will never be reunited.
Sometimes at night my thoughts will travel through time and space and I will ride the jet-stream to search for my box … my small box amongst hundreds and thousands of other packages.
Maria Merridan – Artist and Illustrator
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