Making an Urban Landscape Painting by James Nairne


James Nairne

Street Drawing
Street Drawing


AccessArt are pleased to welcome James Nairne as one of our 40 Artist Educator Project artists. This exemplar project uses sketchbook drawing and photographs as the source for developing painting. There is an emphasis on thinking about how the properties of paint can be exploited through handling and mark-making.

This project was shared with AccessArt as part of the 40 Artist Educator Project, funded by Arts Council England, aiming to highlight and celebrate artist-led teaching and facilitation.

Making an Urban Landscape Painting

1. Recording and collecting – sketchbooks and photographs.
2. Thinking about paint.
3. Handling and mark-making.
4. Using colour.
5. Conclusions.

1. Recording and collecting – sketchbooks and photographs.
The project begins by collecting by recording from the urban environment.

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