Making an Ink and Wax Village with Pupils in Mansfield


This was a very special day for Sheila Ceccarelli from AccessArt, as she got to meet and work with sixty, year five pupils from Berry Hill Primary School in Mansfield Central Library, with colleagues from Inspire Arts Service, who had previously facilitated the development of the AccessArt Village across Nottinghamshire.

Collection of Inky, waxy houses by pupils of Berry Hill Primary School
Collection of Inky, waxy houses by pupils of Berry Hill Primary School


Why are Year Five Berry Hill pupils so special to AccessArt?

Last year, when this group of pupils was in year four, AccessArt had the very great pleasure of receiving envelopes in the post, from all over the country, and beyond, containing stitched contributions for the AccessArt Village – including envelopes from the Inspire Arts team, Notts.

You can read more about the AccessArt Village here, but this is the story of one group of children, who generously contributed to the project, and then got a chance to see their work on show, locally to them, in Mansfield Central Library. The pupils stitched work can be seen, in and amongst contributions from all over the country, at Mansfield Central Library until the end of December 2017.

The AccessArt Village at Mansfield Central Library
The AccessArt Village at Mansfield Central Library in November and December 2017


The workshop

Year five pupils from Berry Hill Primary school, had a day out, visiting the library, to see the AccessArt Village, so Sheila, keen to meet the young artists, offered to lead a workshop session for them there. The session, documented below, was repeated three times, each time for a group of twenty children. Each session was an hour long.

The aim of the session was to offer children the opportunity to make a new village, but this time for them to keep! This was also a chance to introduce children to some drawing techniques, wax resist and some fun creative processes.

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