Long Legged Animals by Years 3 & 4 Making Club


By Sheila Ceccarelli

These sculptures were made by year 3 & 4 pupils over the course of three, one hour after-school sessions, as part of DT & Making Club, at Milton Road Primary School.

Long Legged Animals by year 3 & 4 Pupils at Milton Road Primary School, Cambridge on exhibition at the end of the school year
Long Legged Animals by year 3 & 4 Pupils at Milton Road Primary School, Cambridge on exhibition at the end of the school year


Following on from the 40 Minute Cardboard Challenge, I wanted pupils to have the chance to explore making their own sculptures and to take on sculptural challenges like how to construct with a variety of materials, including Modroc, and (most importantly) how to make their creations stand.

Using the theme of long legged animals meant that characteristics could be exaggerated and pupils could consider the animals’ stance as a vehicle to capture their ‘essence’.

Finished Scorpion by year three pupil on display at Milton Road Primary
Finished Scorpion by year three pupil on display at Milton Road Primary

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