
AccessArt Glossary: Line

Continuous line drawing

Artists use line in lots of different ways to take you on a journey around their artwork. Line can be used to define shape in artworks and express intention and mood. A line can be thick, thin, vertical, zigzag, straight, wobbly or curved and might give the illusion of form, feel ominous or playful, or it might lead you across the page.

Line is important across disciplines like drawing, painting, printmaking and textiles, and we can expand our understanding of line by experimenting with different materials and techniques.

Have fun exploring AccessArt resources focused around line. 

Dip your toes into using line in drawing

Line in drawing can be varied by weight and drawing material. Experimenting with the way you hold your drawing tool can give you interesting results.

Build your understanding of how you can vary line using drawing materials.

Talking Points: exploring line weight

Session recording: exploring line weight

Session recording: finding marks made by artists

Dip your toes into using line in painting

Mark making tools, paint type and gesture work together to produce a variety of line.

Painters often use these three elements to communicate what they want the viewer to see and in what order.

Paint qualities such as opacity and texture will affect the intensity of line, and gestures such as big sweeping lines can imply freedom.

Build your understanding of how you can vary line in painting to take the viewer on a journey.

Talking Points: Brushwork of Van Gogh and Cezanne

Explore all AccessArt painting resources

Dip your toes into using line in printmaking

In printmaking there are several ways in which printmakers might experiment with line. 

Printmakers may carve away at a surface using controlled movements with lino cutters or frenzied cross hatching with an etching needle. They might stick materials on a plate to create a collagraph print or gesturally wipe away at ink with rags to create monotypes.

Build your understanding of how to explore line in printmaking.

Printmaking by scarlett rebecca

Explore all AccessArt printmaking resources

Explore Artists

Explore the different ways artists use line.

Talking Points: tomoko Kawao

Talking Points: Shaheen Ahmed

Talking Points: christo and jeanne-claude


Explore these sample resources to help you explore line.

the anatomy of a pencil

experimental mark making tools

Finding Marks Through Drawings Made by Artists

DrawAble: exploring watercolour Pt 3

Drawable: Making Layered Portraits

Making Painted and Sewn landscapes

kitchen lithography

carbon paper printing

See All AccessArt Resources Exploring Line…

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