Life Drawing: Drawing Hands and Feet with Hester Berry

By Hester Berry

Hands and Feet

It can be tricky to tackle hands and feet – many people leave them out all together during short poses, choosing neatly severed stumps over vaguely sausagey arrangements. Indeed they are complex parts of the anatomy – hands offer so many variables, with five independent and sometimes foreshortened fingers; feet are large and relatively featureless, it’s difficult to find any landmarks and they often only begin to make sense with successful use of tone.

Because of this, it is impossible to learn to draw ‘a hand’ or ‘a foot’, you must objectively draw the object that you see in front of you, relying only on your powers of observation. But in order to aid that observation, I can give you a secret shortcut – think ‘mittens’ and ‘socks’!


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