Intuitive Art- Freedom to Paint by Natasha Day


40 artist title Natasha Day

Intuitive Art - Freedom to Paint
Intuitive Art – Freedom to Paint


Painter Natasha Day shares her workshop for life learners called “Intuitive Art-Freedom to Paint” using intuition to explore paint and making marks on canvas.

This project was shared with AccessArt as part of the 40 Artist Educator Project, funded by Arts Council England, aiming to highlight and celebrate artist-led teaching and facilitation.

Intuitive Art- Freedom to Paint by Natasha Day

You’re keen to paint and get creative but you’re scared! Scared of doing it “wrong”, scared of it looking “wrong”, scared of confirming to yourself your deepest fear; that you are no good at “it”!

Natasha’s approach focuses on disengaging the ‘logical’ technical side of the brain (left side) and move towards working with intuition and the creative right side (right brain).

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