Illustration for Ages 11 to 16

AccessArt is creating a series of Enquiry-Based Creative Learning Pathways aimed for use with teenagers. On this page you will find pathways, artists and activities on AccessArt supporting the development of Illustration in your educational setting.

These pathways can be used to form the basis of sessions for ages 11 to 16 in formal education settings (including Year 7-11 (England, Wales), S1-S4 (Scotland), Year 8-11 (Northern Ireland), home-education and in community settings such as museum, gallery or artist-led education.

These pages are in development so please be allowing for errors and changes as we build this area of our site.



Explore Book Illustration

Coming Soon by Tobi Meuwissen

Explore Editorial Illustration

Coming Soon by Tobi Meuwissen

Explore Reportage Illustration

Coming Soon by Tobi Meuwissen

Explore Medical Illustration

Coming Soon by Tobi Meuwissen

Explore Illustrators on AccessArt

Activities on AccessArt

Illustrating 'The Jabberwocky'

Creating Comics from a Museum Collection

Responding To Place

Drawing Someone Drawing Something

Creating a Storyboard & Dummy Book

Puzzle Purses

Street Drawing: Exploring Vanishing Points with Masking Tape

Monoprint To Explore Poetry

Page To Panel: How To Make Manga

beginning with bones

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