

Welcome to AccessArt: Illustration

CKJabberwock - Ellie Somerset

Illustration is a form of visual communication used to interpret and represent narratives or concepts. It is a versatile discipline that can be used across printed materials, such as books and newspapers, to either complement or replace text.

It can also be used for decorative purposes across other art forms, such as surface design or ceramics. 

Whoever you are and whichever audiences you work with, we hope you’ll enjoy exploring where narrative and art meet in the Illustration section of AccessArt.

Dip Your Toes Into Illustration

Explore this sample of AccessArt resources which can be adapted to a wide variety of ages and abilities


Drawing Stories: Illustrations by Children

Illustrating ‘The Jabberwocky’

Explore Illustrators

Explore illustrators who use drawing to create fictional and non-fictional narratives

Laura Carlin

Shaun Tan

Olivier Kugler

Explore Drawing Materials

Experiment with different materials. Find all of our dry drawing materials here or explore wet drawing materials here.

Explore Graphite

Explore Watercolour

Explore charcoal

See All AccessArt Illustration Resources

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