Illustrating ‘The Jabberwocky’

In this resource, AccessArt contributor Eleanor Somerset, illustrates how she worked with a group of 7-10 year old pupils and another of 10-15 year old budding artists, at the Little Art Studio in Sheffield, on a series of workshops to illustrate Lewis Caroll’s The Jabberwocky.

Eleanor worked over several weeks, during the dark, winter months, on this project and approached it by delivering a series of highly creative and imaginative sessions exploring experimental and elemental drawing culminating in the production of concertina sketchbooks illustrating the poem.

Ellie Somerset Jabberwocky


Ellie Somerset Jabberwocky

By Eleanor Somerset

Illustrated poem Ellie Somerset

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Year 4, Ashley Manor Preparatory School
Year 4, Ashley Manor Preparatory School
Year 4, Ashley Manor Preparatory School
Year 4, Ashley Manor Preparatory School
Year 4, Ashley Manor Preparatory School

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