#BeACreativeProducer Launch!


The #BeACreativeProducer Project was launched at Cambridge Junction. 

Congratulations to Immy, Amelia, Rowan, Alex and Lluis for an inspirational launch night, led by Paula Briggs from AccessArt. Find out more about how #BeACreativeProducer.

Enjoy the images and videos below!

Setting Up

The launch of the #BeACreativeProducer Project consisted of props made by the teenagers throughout the project, over 26 minutes of final animations and a workshop with 30 Year 6 Pupils from a local school. We spent the morning setting up, working alongside technicians from Cambridge Junction.

Setting up for the #BeACreativeProducer launch

Setting up for the #BeACreativeProducer launch

Setting up for the #BeACreativeProducer launch

Setting up for the #BeACreativeProducer launch

#BeACreativeProducer Run Through

Exhibiting the Props

Some of the props we made as part of the animations were exhibited alongside the film and animation…

Animation props for #BeACreatveProducer project

Animation props for #BeACreatveProducer project - The Band

Animation props for #BeACreatveProducer project

Animation props for #BeACreatveProducer project

Animation props for #BeACreatveProducer project

Workshop with Year 6 Pupils

We invited a local primary school, Morley Memorial, to visit and see some of the animations and have a go at making animations.

#BeACreativeProducer Workshop

Live Link to the Baltic, Newcastle

The teenagers had a live link with teachers from primary and secondary schools attending a teacher meeting at the Baltic Arts Centre. They showed the props, answered questions and talked about art education. 

Live Link to NEATEN ART at the Baltic, #BeACreativeProducer

Time to Share the Final Animations!

The project was introduced by Paula from AccessArt…

#BeACreativeProducer Animation Project

#BeACreativeProducer Launch

and then it was time to share…

Watching the final #BeACreativeProducer Film

“I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the fruits of these young people’s labours last night – their creativity and confidence as 13 year-olds is absolutely awesome ! Well done for making it such a great project, and a super occasion.” Chris Owen, Honorary Visiting Senior Fellow, Cambridge School of Art

Watching the final #BeACreativeProducer Film

“A great event last night, you should be proud of what you started and how it developed into the final spectacular finish.  The yellow T-shirt’s were obviously so engaged with the project and totally behind what creativity can bring to their lives and hopefully that will inspire others to do the same.” Jane Reynard, Scolaquip

#BeAcreativeProducer, Cambridge Junction

“A totally inspiring event from @accessart #BeACreativeProducer last night. Amazing young people, and looking forward to hopefully collaborating in the future.” Lynne Simpkin, NUA

#BeAcreativeProducer, Cambridge Junction

“The pupils were awesome and so inspiring. All our art teachers were talking about it afterwards. They did u proud!” Paul Carney, Neaten

#BeACreativeProducer Project

“What an event this was. It shared processes as well as outcomes, it showed creativity by the bucketload, it shared the strength and power of friendship and collaboration. It made my heart sing. Can’t thank you enough for the opportunity to watch this project develop and then to attend this unique and special day.” Susan Coles, Artist, Activist & Educator

Watch the Final #BeACreativeProducer Film