Houses from Around the World: International Day at Monkfield Primary School


By Paula Briggs and Sheila Ceccarelli

Drawing and collage to make a global village
Drawing and collage to make a global village


AccessArt were invited to Monkfield Park Primary School, Cambourne, to help celebrate diversity as part of the school’s vibrant International Day.

Inspired by AccessArt workshops by Susie Olczak, Rachael Causer, Jo Allen and Clair Louise Mather, Paula and Sheila created a workshop in three parts:

  • Mark making
  • Collage
  • Line Drawing

Paula and Sheila between them worked with every class from Reception to Year Two, delivering a one and a quarter hour session to each.

Prior to the workshop Paula and Sheila created a learning resource of a collection of images printed on A4 of houses and abodes from around the world, purposefully choosing houses from all weather zones and a mixture of urban and rural buildings from every continent.

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