Getting Ready to Explore the New AccessArt Primary Curriculum

We’re getting very excited about the new AccessArt Primary Art Curriculum, which will launch in May 2022. Find out more and understand the steps you can take to get ready to develop visual arts teaching and learning in your school.

Download our PDF which shares our intent for the new curriculum.

Watch a recording of the “Introduction to the New AccessArt Curriculum” zoom presentation.

Book your free place on our next welcome tour and Q&A. 

Find Out More

Test drive AccessArt resources and get to know how we can work for you. Run a short drawing workshop in your school to help familiarise staff and pupils and start creative juices flowing…


Join AccessArt

AccessArt is the UK’s largest charitable organisation supporting visual arts teaching & learning. Income from memberships sustains the organisation and enables us to create new resources.

To access our new curriculum you must be full member. There is no additional cost to access the new curriculum once you are a multiuser member. Schools implementing the curriculum across the whole school must be multiuser members. 

If you are currently a single user member as an art lead pls get in touch to upgrade your membership. Join AccessArt

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