Gabby Savage-Dickson: Etching


By Gabby Savage-Dickson

Gabby Savage-Dickson is a multidisciplinary artist who recently graduated from Manchester School of Art. In this interview she shares her love for story telling through etching, and tells us about her traditional printmaking process. This post may be of interest to those at secondary school.

Moon Festival Etching of Man Hugging the Moon by Gabby Savage Dickson

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AccessArt is a UK Charity and we believe everyone has the right to be creative. AccessArt provides inspiration to help us all reach our creative potential.

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“These are such beautiful and evocative images – certain to inspire. There is a lot of potential for schools to explore Gabby’s work as a way to inspire pupils to create their own imagery inspired by literature, or inspired by imaginative writing by pupils. 

Although etching might not be particularly accessible to many schools, there are low tech ways of approaching the process (see below) which mean pupils can explore similar ways of working in the classroom.” Paula, AccessArt

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