The Full AccessArt Primary Art Curriculum

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The AccessArt Full Primary Art Curriculum has been devised for schools who teach art each week. 

See other versions of the AccessArt Primary Curriculum, and supporting documentation here. 

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Areas of Focus: Each pathway is bordered by a colour. These colours correspond to the area of focus of that pathway.

Drawing & Sketchbooks

Print, Colour, Collage

Working in Three Dimensions

Paint, Surface, Texture

Working in Three Dimensions

Collaboration & Community

Year 1

autumn term 1

Using drawing, collage and mark-making to explore spirals. Introducing sketchbooks. See the Pathway

Explore simple ways to make a print. Use line, shape, colour and texture to explore pattern, sequencing and symmetry. See the Pathway

spring term 1

Exploring materials and intention through a playful approach. See the Pathway

Exploring watercolour and discovering we can use accidental marks to help us make art. See the Pathway

summer term 1

Sculptural project beginning with making drawings from observation, exploring media, and transforming the drawings from 2D to 3D to make a bird. See the Pathway

Explore how artists make art inspired by flora and fauna. Make collages of MiniBeasts and display as a shared artwork. See the Pathway

Year 2

Autumn Term 1

Introducing the idea that artists can be collectors & explorers as they develop drawing and composition skills. See the Pathway

Using a simple mono print technique to develop drawing skills, encourage experimentation and ownership. See the Pathway

spring term 1

Exploring architecture and creating architectural models. See the Pathway

Explore how painters use paint in expressive and gestural ways. Explore colour mixing and experimental mark making to create abstract still lifes. See the Pathway

Artists use their creative skills to re-see and re-imagine the world. Explore how you can transform a familiar object into new and fun forms. See the Pathway

summer term 2

Explore how we can make art inspired by the sounds we hear. Draw, collage, paint and make. See the Pathway

Year 3

Making loose, gestural drawings with charcoal, and exploring drama and performance. See the Pathway

“Painting with Scissors”: Collage and stencil in response to looking at artwork. See the Pathway

Explore how artists are inspired by other art forms – in this case how we make sculpture inspired by literature and film. See the Pathway

Explore how artists combine media to create work in response to landscape. Use acrylic and thread to make a painted and stitched piece. See the Pathway

Explore how to create simple moving drawings by making paper “puppets” and animate them using tablets. See the Pathway

Using natural pigments and dyes from the local environment to make art. Exploring Cyanotype and Anthotype. See the Pathway

Year 4

Explore how artists create sequenced drawings to share and tell stories. Create accordian books or comic strips to retell poetry or prose through drawing. See the Pathway

Exploring how we can use colour, line and shape to create patterns, including repeating patterns. See the Pathway

Explore how the way we display our work can affect the way it is seen. Create an artwork inspired by the idea of “Plinth”. See the Pathway

Explore artists working with the genre of still life, contemporary and more traditional. Create your own still life inspired art work. See the Pathway

What can artists learn from nature? Nurture personality traits as well as technical skills. See the Pathway

summer term 2

Drawing and Making inspired by food. How might we use food and art to bring us together? See the Pathway

Year 5

Exploring how we can create typography through drawing and design, and use our skills to create personal and highly visual maps. See the Pathway

Autumn term 2

Explore how artists use the monotype process to make imagery. Combine the monotype process with painting and collage to make visual poetry zines. See the Pathway

spring term 1

Explore creating a model set for theatre or animation inspired by poetry, prose, film or music. See the Pathway

Explore how artists use a variety of media to capture spirit of the place. Focus upon exploratory work to discover mixed media combinations. See the Pathway

Explore the responsibilities architects have to design us a better world. Make your own architectural model. See the Pathway

summer term 2

Explore contemporary fashion designers and create your own 2D or 3D fashion design working to a brief. See the Pathway

Year 6

Explore how 2D drawings can be transformed to 3D objects. Work towards a sculptural outcome or a graphic design outcome. See the Pathway

Autumn term 2

Explore how artists use their skills to speak on behalf of communities. Make art about things you care about. See the Pathway

spring term 1

Exploring the work of installation artists who use light, form and colour to create immersive environments. Creating 2D or 3D models to share our vision of imagined installations with others. See the Pathway

Discover how artists use layers and juxtaposition to create artwork which explores identity. Make your own layered portrait. See the Pathway

summer term 1

Explore how craftspeople and designers bring personality to their work. Make a small model of a chair which is full of personality. See the Pathway

summer term 2

Explore how traditional and contemporary artists use cutouts for artistic affect. Adapt their techniques to make your own shadow puppets. See the Pathway

We have developed additional pathways to help you extend, develop or further personalise the AccessArt Primary Art Curriculum.

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