Pathway: Flora And Fauna
Pathway for Years 1 & 2
Drawing, Collage, Sketchbooks
Key Concepts:
That artists can be inspired by the flora and fauna around them.
That we can use careful looking to help our drawing, and use drawing to help looking.
That we can use a variety of materials to make images, and that the images we make can become imaginative.
That we can create individual artwork, and that we can bring that artwork together to make a shared artwork.
In this pathway children are introduced to the idea that many artists use flora and fauna to inspire their work. We look at artists who used drawing as a way to accurately capture the way plants and insects look, and artists who use their imagination to create their own versions of flora and fauna.
Children spend time engaged in close looking as a way to build drawing skills. They also experiment with new materials.
They practice cutting and collage skills and explore shape and colour to build images.
Finally there is the opportunity for children to work collaboratively on a shared background for the artwork, and pupils can see how their individual efforts are valued as part of a larger class artwork.
Handwriting pen, Graphite, Oil pastel, Paper & Collage
Artists: Eric Carle, Joseph Redoute, Jan Van Kessel
If you use this resource in your setting, please tag us on social media: #InspiredBy @accessart (facebook, twitter) (instagram) and share the url. Thank you!

Teaching Notes
Find the MTP for this pathway here.
Curriculum Links
English: Explore The Very Hungry Caterpillar, or books illustrated in similar style.
Geography: Explore habitats, soil, vegetation, cities/towns/villages, seasonal weathers. Use language which supports these ideas.
Science: Identify common and wild plants, insects, food chains, life cycle, living and decay.
PSHE: Responsibility to the planet, Collaboration, Peer Discussion.
I Can…
I have enjoyed looking at art made by other artists inspired by flora and fauna.
I can look closely at insects and plants and make drawings using pen to describe what I see.
I can experiment using graphite and oil pastel and make my own insects.
I can cut out shapes in different colours, and use these shapes to make an insect or bug. I can think about its body parts and what I would like them to look like.
I can work with my classmates to make a shared drawing.
I can share my artwork with the class. I can listen to what my classmates like about it and I can share what I like about their work.