Flat Yet Sculptural? Drawing, Collage, Construction

By Paula Briggs

Following on from a previous session in which children aged 7, 8 and 9 used the grid method to scale up simple drawings, in this session the children developed their drawings through collage and construction to transform them into sculptures.

"Flat yet sculptural" standing dog!
“Flat yet sculptural” standing dog!


To Begin

Follow the method described here to scale up simple silhouette drawings. We used sheets of corrugated cardboard.  Children used a marker pen to create a single black line around their drawings.

Scaled-up drawing, on cardboard.
Scaled-up drawing, on cardboard.


Prior to the session I used a photocopier to enlarge engravings by George Cruikshank (illustrations for Oliver Twist, Charles Dickens). I have always been attracted to the power and diversity of mark making in engravings, and enlarging the imagery helped isolate and abstract the marks.

Detail of photocopied and enlarged engraving marks (taken from George Cruickshank's illustrations for Oliver by Charles Dickens)
Detail of photocopied and enlarged engraving marks (taken from George Cruickshank’s illustrations for Oliver by Charles Dickens)


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Dean CE Primary School
Greenlands Community Primary School, Preston, Year 6.
Greenlands Community Primary School, Preston, Year 6.
Greenlands Community Primary School, Preston, Year 6.
Year 5, Cathedral Primary School, Bristol
Year 5, Cathedral Primary School, Bristol
Year 5, Cathedral Primary School, Bristol

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