EYFS: How Can We Build Worlds?


Most very young children find it easy to use their imagination to help invent a world around them.

Through art we can encourage children to nurture their imaginations, building confidence in their instinct, intuition, sense of self and ability to give an outward form to inner ideas. 

The resources in this section help nurture and celebrate imagination.

Cardboard Objects Altogether by Tobi Meuwissen
EYFS badge by Tobi Meuwissen
SEND badge by Tobi Meuwissen

Try These Activities...

Explore how to use recycled packaging and cardboard to make a cardboard world. See the Resource.

Let imaginations feed making by creating props, clothes and contexts for toys. See the Resource. 

Adapt this resource and make individual or shared models inspired by books, poetry or simple sentences.  See the Resource.

Make mini worlds in matchboxes or shoe boxes. See the Resource.

Make a mini world for the bugs around you. See the Resource.

A special thank you to Scola and Daler Rowney for their support.

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