Exploring Watercolour at the Fitzwilliam Museum Cambridge with AccessArt

The two resources below document a session run by AccessArt in partnership with Kate Noble from the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge which enabled teachers to explore watercolour painting.

The session presented a unique opportunity for teachers to see close-up some watercolour landscape painting from the Fitzwilliam collection, and to examine how the paintings were made. This was followed by a practical studio session which gave teachers the chance to explore watercolour for themselves.

The two resources below aim to share the sessions in such a way that other teachers can learn the same skills, in their own time and space. The Fitzwilliam Museum has kindly given permission for the images used to be printed for use in schools.

Introduction to Watercolour

This resource forms Part One of "Exploring Watercolour at the Fitzwilliam Museum Cambridge with AccessArt"
The resource describes and demonstrates individual watercolour techniques, and then shows examples of these techniques in paintings from the Fitzwilliam Collection. The images can be printed and used in the classroom, making this resource a useful tool for teachers to use either in their own professional development, or in a classroom context.

This resource forms Part One of “Exploring Watercolour at the Fitzwilliam Museum Cambridge with AccessArt”
The resource describes and demonstrates individual watercolour techniques, and then shows examples of these techniques in paintings from the Fitzwilliam Collection. The images can be printed and used in the classroom, making this resource a useful tool for teachers to use either in their own professional development, or in a classroom context.
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Exploration of Watercolour in the studio

This resource forms Part Two of "Exploring Watercolour at the Fitzwilliam Museum Cambridge with AccessArt"
After studying paintings from the collection at first hand, and identifying how various marks within the paintings may have been made, followed by demonstrations in the studio of the techniques described here, teachers were then invited to undertake their own exploration of working with watercolour, including colour mixing, paint techniques, and intention. This resource shares the processes and outcomes of the practical studio session.

This resource forms Part Two of “Exploring Watercolour at the Fitzwilliam Museum Cambridge with AccessArt”
After studying paintings from the collection at first hand, and identifying how various marks within the paintings may have been made, followed by demonstrations in the studio of the techniques described here, teachers were then invited to undertake their own exploration of working with watercolour, including colour mixing, paint techniques, and intention. This resource shares the processes and outcomes of the practical studio session.

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Exploring Watercolour at the Fitzwilliam Museum Cambridge with AccessArt