Exploring Through Watercolour by Emma Burleigh


Produced as part of the DrawAble project, these resources by Emma Burleigh take children and teenagers on a watercolour journey. Each resource is free to access, and the videos and text are appropriate for children to access directly.

Emma starts by sharing her own passion for watercolour, before introducing some simple but inspirational ways to explore the medium. Emma then shows us how we can use the properties of watercolour to help reveal imagery and narrative in a mindful way. The final resource shows how to develop these images further using other media


Let Me Inspire You by Emma Burleigh

Emma shares her passion for watercolour, and how her images develop.

Exploring Through Watercolour Part Two by Emma Burleigh

Emma shows us how we can use the properties of watercolour to help reveal imagery and narrative in a mindful way.

Exploring Through Watercolour Part One by Emma Burleigh

Emma shares some simple but inspirational ways to explore watercolour.

Exploring Through Watercolour Part Three by Emma Burleigh

Develop your imagery further by using other media such as pastel, pencil and crayon.
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