Exploring Portraits with Eleanor Somerset


40 artist title_Eleanor-Somerset

Exploring Portraiture with Eleanor Somerset
Exploring Portraiture with Eleanor Somerset


In this resource artist Eleanor Somerset shows how she led students in The Little Art Studio, Sheffield, to explore and discover portraiture through various media. 

This project was shared with AccessArt as part of the 40 Artist Educator Project, funded by Arts Council England, aiming to highlight and celebrate artist-led teaching and facilitation.

Exploring Portraits with Eleanor Somerset

This resource based workshop took place with a group of seven 9 to 14 year old students, over several weeks, to develop an understanding of portraiture. The project began with the students exploring their own features through mark making with a wide variety of media, collaged images and thumbnails. They also looked at the work of other artists. Finally, the students made two self-portraits of themselves, experimenting with clay relief and lino printing.

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