Pathway: Exploring Pattern
Pathway for Years 3 & 4
Disciplines: Drawing, Collage, Design
Key Concepts:
That the act of making drawings can be mindful.
That we can use line, shape and colour to create patterns.
That we can use folding, cutting and collage to help us create pattern.
That we can create repeated patterns to apply to a range of products or outcomes.
In this pathway, children have the opportunity to explore pattern and develop a range of technical skills and knowledge through drawing and collage.
The pathway also introduces them to the idea that working with pattern can be a mindful activity, and that as humans we respond to patterns made by other people.
This pathway will take approximately half a term, based upon a weekly art lesson.
Paper, Pens, Paint
Rachel Parker, Shaheen Ahmed, Andy Gilmore, Louise Despont
If you use this resource in your setting, please tag us on social media: #InspiredBy @accessart (facebook, twitter) (instagram) and share the url. Thank you!

Teaching Notes
Find the MTP for this pathway here.
Curriculum Links
History: Focus on patterns from your chosen ancient civilisation.
Maths: Measuring, symmetry, tessellation/repeated patterns, orientation.
Science: Look at patterns in the structure of fruits or plants, reflections and shadows.
Music: Use music and sound when doing mindful drawing as part of this pathway.
I Can…
I can relax into making a sensory drawing using a pencil, making marks on the page without having a predefined outcome.
I have explored the work of an artist who creates artwork inspired by pattern. I have thought about where we use pattern in our life to make our worlds brighter.
I can work in my sketchbooks to explore how I can make drawings inspired by “rules.” I can generate lots of different types of patterns.
I can make a tessellated design and think about colour and shape, exploring positive and negative shapes.
I can explore the work of a surface pattern designer and make my own repeating pattern, exploring colour, shape and composition.
I can fold paper and use pattern to make an object which other people can respond to.
I can present and share my work. I can reflect and share my thoughts with others. I can listen to the reflections of my classmates and feedback on their work.
I can take photographs of my work.