Exploring Materials: Plaster and String

Session led by Rachel Wooller

Artist Rachel Wooller at ArtWorks, Cambridge
Artist Rachel Wooller at ArtWorks, Cambridge


As part of a series of workshops for AccessArt’s Experimental Drawing Class on exploring materials, artist Rachel Wooller led a session on exploring plaster and string.

Again an energetic session and one where students whole heatedly had to embrace making a mess!

Rachel demonstrates how to hang string over a bar
Rachel demonstrates how to hang string over a bar


What Was Used (for a group of 12 students):

    • 2 1/2 tubs (10kg) of fine casting plaster
    • Garden string (the best type is the rough, hessian sort)
    • Wool
    • Plastic bin bags to protect clothes and shoes
    • Dust masks
    • Latex gloves

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