Exploring DrawAble Resources Via Media


Explore the AccessArt DrawAble resources via chosen media. All resources are: free to access and suitable for children and teenagers to access directly, or for use in school; produced in response to changing educational needs during 2020; and fully captioned.

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Pen, Pencil, Scissors

3 Panel Challenge Rozi Hathaway

Comics artist Rozi Hathaway encourages to look afresh at the objects around us and use them to create our own stories.

Making Book Worlds Rose Feather

Illustrator Rose Feather Inspires us to combine making, drawing and writing to create magical worlds.
Paula Briggs shares how to take make an artist’s book, rich with paper, medium and subject matter.

Illustrated Letters Isobel Grant

Artist Isobel Grant shares her passion for illustration and shows us how to create illustrated letters inspired by the things we love. 

Illustrated Poetry Inbal Leitner

Illustrator Inbal Leitner shows us how she uses sketchbooks within her creative practice to develop ideas and illustrate her favourite poems.
Artist Lorna Rose inspires us to make a drawing of a place or space near us using just straight lines.

Puzzle Purse Eilis Hanson

Eilis Hanson shows how to make a beautiful puzzle purse inspired by storytelling.


Exploring Watercolour Emma Burleigh

Emma shares her own passion for watercolour and then shows us how we can discover our own images and stories through working mindfully with watercolour.

Globe Paintings Stephanie Cubbin

Stephanie shows us how we can enter a state of flow, follow our instinct, and create beautiful images whilst learning about some of the properties of watercolour. 

Digital Media and/or Mixed Media

Making GIFs Lizzie Knott

Illustrator Lizzie Knott inspires us to make GIFs about the things we care about.

Layered Portraits Mike Barrett

“Everything starts with a drawing” says digital artist Mike Barrett (aka Emelbi). Mike shares what inspires him, and how we can make our own individual work, either digitally or physically.
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