Explore and Draw


By Cathy Mills

This innovative drawing and nature project for children ages 7 -13 yrs, took place at the Museum in the Park, Stratford Park, Stroud, Glos, over five Saturdays.  Cathy Mills managed and taught the project, assisted by artist Alison Cockcroft, who facilitated two of the sessions.  The project was funded by Arts Council/ Museum in the Park and Stroud Arts Festival Fund.

Several different approaches to drawing were introduced over 5 sessions. All sessions were linked into the natural environment of Stratford Park and the huge trees there. The children were taken out into the park for gathering ideas, materials and inspiration. Cathy introduced relaxing physical exercises at the beginning of each session to help focus the children and encourage them to move and use their bodies. The exercises, derived from Cathy’s knowledge of Tai Chi involved stretching, breathing and calming down the children whilst being fun too.


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