Emma Davies – an Artists’ Sketchbook
Emma Davies, Artist
I have various sketch books dedicated to a number of topics. And they are used quite methodically and may take me years to complete. Some are used to research ideas for art works – some I consider as art works themselves. I have a whole cupboard full of sketch books. And I often sketch on any piece of paper that is lying around and then stick it in like a scrapbook. In the past my sketchbooks have been a messy affair… but at the moment I am in a ‘tidy’ period. This probably reflects my ordered approach to my life as a working mum. As a student they were rather tatty covered in paint.

Small hardback sketchbook. Containing recent notes and ideas for a drawing I am working on presently. Drawing called ”1984: Transition from Middle to Big”. The notes and sketches were drawn in biro.

Small Hardback Sketch Book. Self Portrait drawn in Biro.
Some Notes about my Emotional, Creative and Philosophical Processes of Sketchbook Production.
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