Drawing our own “Wild Things” to Inhabit our Imagined Landscape


By Paula Briggs

This resource forms part of a series which enables primary-aged children to explore drawing and making inspired by Maurice Sendak’s “Where the Wild Things Are”. See all the resources in this series here.

In this session (the 5th in the series), children are given the freedom to create their own “wild things”, bringing together skills learnt from previous weeks including mark-making, observation and narrative, as well as bringing their own interests to the project.

Developing Wild Things

You Will Need:

  • Pencil
  • Handwriting Pen
  • A3 paper
  • Scissors
  • Soft pastels
  • Gluesticks
  • Images from “Where the Wild Things Are” by Maurice Sendak

Time: 1 hr


  • The opportunity to develop their own “wild thing” characters, bringing together skills learnt over the past few weeks with their own personal interests from home.
  • Individual finished drawings which can be added to the imaginary landscape shared drawing we made earlier.
  • A springboard for a 3d character which we will begin to make next week.

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