A collection of imagery and sources which you can use to prompt drawing in schools and community groups.
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The Natural World
Use the film below as source material to enable the children to draw the natural world.
You can either choose to stop the video, and draw from a collection of paused images, or you can also choose to ask the children to work from the moving image.
Find drawing exercises below to help your drawing exploration.
Drawing Exercises
Have the children draw in a quiet room, with the video on the whiteboard.
Stop the video at a chosen frame and use your voice to direct their drawing. Choose words which relate to the imagery, for example you might decide to focus their attention on vertical lines, so you might choose words like: line, growth, upward, downward, fall… or you might choose to attract their attention to the energy of a wave or the curve of an animals back. Think carefully about the words you use – they don’t have to be used in sentences – you can speak lists.
Each sketchbook response might take just 3 to 5 minutes, then move on to another still. Create a sense of momentum.
Direct pupils to use a chosen medium. You might like to start with soft pencil or handwriting pen.
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