Drawing Soft Toys Inspired by “Where the Wild Things Are” by Maurice Sendak


By Paula Briggs and Rowan Briggs Smith

Exploring Mark Making inspired by Where the Wild Things Are

This resource shares a session with children aged 6 and 7, exploring the illustration’s of Maurice Sendak from Where the Wild Things Are. In particular the session looks at the kinds of marks Maurice made to create a sense adventure, and prepares the ground for the exploration to come, which will evolve into colour, collage and sculpture.

You Will Need:

  • Colour copies of close-up images of Maurice Sendak’s Where the Wild Things Are.
  • Three pens for each child: black handwriting pen (fine), black Sharpie (medium), black marker pen (bold)
  • Sketchbooks or paper.
  • Soft toys (children brought their favourite soft toy).

Time: 1 hr


  • An exploration of mark making (in sketchbooks) and then applying this knowledge in a drawing.
  • An understanding of how using different pens and holding them in different ways can affect the marks we make, and how we can use those marks to make interesting drawings.
  • Beginning an understanding of how the artist (Maurice Sendak) used marks to build his images.
  • This session is a spring board for the next session in the series. See the whole series here.

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