Drawing Shells On Loan From The University Museum of Zoology, Cambridge

By Sheila Ceccarelli

Sheila from AccessArt borrowed three boxes of shells from the University Museum of Zoology, for teenagers to draw at the Experimental Drawing Class.  The shells came from the wonderful museum loans service that the Cambridge University Museums run for schools and organisations.

The boxes are very carefully laid out and come complete with information cards on each specimen and educational challenges for groups, mainly aimed at primary.

Musuem loans, shell from the University Museum of Zoology
Dog Whelk on loan from the University Museum of Zoology, Cambridge


We’d started the term a couple of weeks ago,  freely exploring expressive gesture and mark making by drawing bubbles and asemic writing.

However drawing shells seemed like an excellent opportunity to concentrate and get right back down to detail and explore the potential of making small, deliberate marks.

Also, it was an opportunity to introduce more traditional drawing mediums and explore contrasting hard and soft pencils as well as ink and nib and handwriting pens.

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