Drawing from Life with Children & Making Cartoon Characters

By Paula Briggs

The children in our drawing class are at the age when they love to draw cartoons, and enjoy making cartoon characters. They’re also becoming expert at tuning in to our various drawing exercises and their mark-making is coming on a treat. I wanted to devise a workshop which would give them the opportunity to indulge in their passion of making cartoon characters, whilst at the same time to continue to develop their observation, drawing skills and mark making. This way I hoped to build a connection between the kinds of drawings children like to make at this developmental stage, and their newly “learnt” knowledge which has been building over the last few weeks.

Drawing from Life – Warm up Exercise

Following on from our earlier workshop Drawing from Life (and acting up a bit), we started by doing some life modeling. The children took turns to pose, using dressing up clothes as props to alter the shapes of their body.

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