Drawing Feathers: Perfect for Mark Making


By Paula Briggs

Our Drawing Feathers workshop with children aged 6 to 10 was a great opportunity for the children to put to use all the mark making skills they had been learning over the past few weeks, and I was amazed by the quality of the drawings – some were really sophisticated in their use of materials, line and colour.

The image below of a Peacock Feather drawn by John Ruskin inspired the workshop – I used to visit the Ruskin Gallery in Sheffield. His drawn feather is small but it draws you in.

Drawing Feathers. Peacock Feather by John Ruskin. Collection of the Guild of St George, Museums Sheffield
Peacock Feather by John Ruskin. Collection of the Guild of St George, Museums Sheffield


Oil Pastel and Graphite Feather Drawn by Six Year Old
Oil Pastel and Graphite Feather Drawn by Six Year Old

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