Drawing Cartoon Animals


Drawing Cartoon Animals By Paula Briggs

Exploring cartoon drawing

This workshop takes a new approach to exploring how to draw cartoon animals. Children are often encouraged to draw cartoons by transforming forms into simple shapes – e.g. a body made out of circles, limbs from ovals. This way children learn to draw by rote – 1,2,3. This AccessArt workshop instead enables children to build an understanding of their subject matter together with an awareness of how mark making can help portray personality and action. This way children can develop their visual vocab and learn the drawing skills needed to make their cartoon drawings their own.

First of all children were asked to warm-up by making a series of study sheets. Children were given large sheets of paper and access to a variety of drawing materials. Children were encouraged to change drawing materials for each study (working intuitively and reaching for whichever material they wanted), and to work quickly – i.e. each study sketch took no longer than 30 seconds. Children were guided through the creation of their study sheets as follows:

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