Drawing and Performance


The “Drawing and Performance” In the Studio event explores connections between drawing and movement. 

Drawing is often seen as a passive activity which takes place whilst we are seated; a process of making marks with a pencil whilst moving from the wrist. 

But drawing CAN be a much more physical activity – an activity which involves making marks on a much larger scale with materials other than pencils to create artwork which we approach with our whole body, and verges on performance both in terms of how drawings are made and how they are viewed.

Drawing can also of course be inspired BY performance itself – dance, film, theatre and tv can all provide exciting starting points to explore a more fluid and experimental approach to drawing. 

Find the recording of the session below.


Drawing dancers by Tobi Meuwissen
Drawing dancers by Tobi Meuwissen

Choose stills from the video above, drawing them in panels (rectangles), to create a sequence of drawings

Draw as you watch the above video, making marks on the paper and layering image over image. Take what you need form the video, leave out what you don’t need. 

drawing in the dark

using a tablet

impressability project

dressing up as a fossil

Tape, projectors, wicki sticks

drawing with tape on walls

shadow puppets

shadow puppets and whiteboards

drawing with tape on walls

painting the storm

missing you

Drawing in space

Drawing dancers by Tobi Meuwissen
Drawing dancers by Tobi Meuwissen