Drama Activity: An Art Conversation


By David Allen.

In this Drama and Art series, teacher and Associate Professor David Allen explains the different ways in which drama and art intersect, and how the two subjects can be taught together to foster skills in creative thinking, communication as well as nurture an awareness and appreciation of art.

David has worked in primary schools for over twenty years as a teacher, senior leader and Deputy Head teacher. He now works part time as an Associate Professor in Learning and Teaching at The University of Hertfordshire

Drama Activity 1: An Art Conversation

The aim of an art conversation is to help children to look closely and examine what is in front of them to really see what is going on in the painting, encouraging them to notice things they may otherwise miss. As teachers, we can take children on a tour of the artwork, giving them time to search beyond the surface. A powerful, well known, approach is to suggest they imagine stepping into the painting to explore what is there. All of this results in a rich dialogue between the children, their peers and the teacher. By sharing their thoughts openly and actively listening to each other, children develop their visual literacy and art appreciation skills.

A group of children looking at a painting

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