Drama Activity: Hot-seating a Character


By David Allen.

In this Drama and Art series, teacher and Associate Professor David Allen explains the different ways in which drama and art intersect, and how the two subjects can be taught together to foster skills in creative thinking, communication as well as nurture an awareness and appreciation of art.

David has worked in primary schools for over twenty years as a teacher, senior leader and Deputy Head teacher. He now works part time as an Associate Professor in Learning and Teaching at The University of Hertfordshire

Drama Activity 2: Hot- seating a Character

I always begin an art-drama session with an art conversation (as explained in Activity 1) to allow the children time to explore the painting. This enables them to become familiar with the image, to discuss what they see and build up a story in their head. Once this has happened the children are likely to have a better understanding of who they think the characters might be.

I place a chair at the front of the class next to the painting. This becomes the ‘hot-seat’. I position the chair so the whole class can see the image, including the child sitting on the hot seat. This is important as it allows everyone to look at the painting during the drama.


A child taking part in a hot seating activity in drama.

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