Digital Drawing: Using a Tablet, Phone or iPad as a Drawing Tool for Reportage
AccessArt member Jenny Soep shares her experience of drawing on a phone or iPad, and drawing with more traditional drawing media to capture live events.
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AccessArt is a UK Charity and we believe everyone has the right to be creative. AccessArt provides inspiration to help us all reach our creative potential.
Paula Briggs
February 22, 2013 @ 7:58 am
Hi Jenny, many thanks for sharing this with us. I think lots of people would love to make the leap to drawing digitally and your work is real inspiring.
I bought a very cheap (£1) stylus and had a play on my iPad using the Paper app. It’s great – it takes the form of a sketchbook and the drawing tools are very enabling. I think what’s hard for many (me!) is that I associate drawing on an iPad with something my 7 year old does and therefore not an adult – which is crazy!!!!!! The paper app really gave me permission (I shouldn’t have needed it) to have a play and I’ll definitely be using it as an add-on to my visual diary one-a-day drawings (/?p=13792)
Thanks jenny
Sheila Ceccarelli
February 22, 2013 @ 11:09 am
Jenny – thanks very much for sharing your process of digital drawing with AccessArt. I find your images really interesting on two accounts – one the subject matter which feels completely original – you capture the moment but also add your own poetic interpretation of the experience – making them ‘electric’ – the images make me feel a real sense of curiosity! Also, the original and experimental approach of using technology – with the portability of the technology it should not seem so incredible to me to be drawing on it from ‘life’ – I use my phone a lot as a camera but not as a drawing tool – I’d actually never have imagined it! So fabulous to see these immediate and exciting images on AccessArt – thank you and please keep us up to date with your work.
AccessArt members reading this – please share how you use digital media in your working process!
Jenny Soep
March 7, 2013 @ 7:29 pm
Hi Sheila and Paula – thanks so much for your lovely words – pleased as punch to be a contributor. There are quite a few apps out there, Brushes being the app David Hockney used with such aplomb, and it even used to record timelapses of the drawings though unfortunately just now the converter doesn’t seem to be working. Sketchbook Pro has just updated itself with a timelapse facility which has really intriguing potential. I have a couple of friends who use Procreate to fantastic effect, and I also use KIK as a very simple way to send textable drawings back and forth between friends who own a smart phone. Would indeed be brilliant to know how others use their digital media to draw!
Paula Briggs
March 11, 2013 @ 11:08 am
Jenny added an interesting time-lapse video at
anita chamberlain
March 20, 2013 @ 4:34 pm
My partner has an exhibition of his work using the ipad.
Check out Neil Eckersley on the Saatchi website, Thomas Storey gallery in Lancaster. He has very positive remarks about his work
December 9, 2023 @ 1:06 pm
Wow! Just introduced my Y6 pupils to your work and the feedback from them was amazing. They talked in detail about how your art reflects the genre of music you are listening to at the time and how you emphasise the main instrument through colour! I was really impressed with how engaged they were with this new genre of art and it has really inspired lotsa of them to do art that wouldn’t necessarily been as engaged. Thankyou so much. Would love if there are more examples you could share.