Creativity Session at Spinney Primary School

By Paula Briggs

Many thanks to Rae Snape @RaeSnape from the Spinney Primary School for inviting AccessArt to lead a professional development morning to help teachers extend making and creativity skills within the curriculum. The Spinney School is already a very creative school, and one which recognises which the importance the arts and creativities play within the currciulum alongside maths, english and science. In addition to being Head of the school, Rae is an inspirational and very proactive networker /campaigner and is a National Leader of Education. The Spinney is a National Teaching School and the coordinating school of The Kite Teaching School Alliance @kitetsa.

We were very priviledged to be invited to the Spinney - thank you.

Teachers exploring creativity at Spinney Primary School
Teachers exploring creativity at Spinney Primary School

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