How can we look up and outside of our individual areas of interest, to enable us to see we are all part of the same chain, and to help us act in a more cohesive way?
There is a growing sense that the pipeline between all these stages of nurturing creativity is becoming more and more fragmented. Many primary schools are unclear what they can expect of pupils by end of Year 6 (age 10-11). Secondary schools inherit a mixed bag of ability in Year 7 and are many are unsure of the qualities in pupils that sixth form colleges/foundation courses/FE/HE would like to inherit. Better understanding of what a healthy pipeline might look like, together with an understanding of some of the approaches across the sectors, will help all stages ensure the pathway can flow with more ease, and more aspiration.
Where are you in the chain? What do you need from those who come before and after?
To help explore how we can support each other to help create a more sustained pipeline from early years through to life long learning, and to build new links within the pipeline, we need to consider our Wish List. By sharing our wish lists we might be able to see where we can better support and learn from each other.
It has always been central to the ethos of AccessArt that we facilitate a drawing down of the creative experience of adults/arts professionals, representing and reshaping that experience to help children, teenagers, young people and their teachers to access high quality visual arts facilitation.
Enabling exchange of knowledge and experience between teachers of early years, teachers of KS1 and 2, teachers of KS3 and 4, sixth form colleges, FE, HE and into lifelong learning, is key to creating content and approaches which are dynamic and inspirational. The cross fertilisation of ideas is always exciting – we’ve got so much to learn from each other by challenging ourselves and our ideas. Explore what a game of Snakes & Ladders can teach us about education.
Be part of a conversation about how we better share expectations between educational settings to provide a more continuous arts education for all.