Core Value No 4: Through Small Acts Of Understanding We Can Enable Big Thinking

We are looking to commission a current Art and Design student studying at foundation level and upwards to illustrate Core Value No 4.

Read on to find out about our fourth Core Value. You can find more information about how to apply for this opportunity at the bottom of this page, or download this pdf.

AccessArt's Core Values by Tobi Meuwissen

AccessArt Value #4

Through small acts of understanding we can enable big thinking.

How can we create small stepping stones of experience which enable us to explore complex ideas and experiences?

Comforting as it is to know that “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,”* knowing what that single step might be is not always easy. In reality, growing our understanding so that we can aim to be expansive, visionary thinkers, whilst able to act incrementally to make change, doesn’t just happen; it requires planning, effort and commitment.

At AccessArt we have always been inspired by big thinking, and we have never hesitated to have our heads in a cloud space where ideas swirl around. We have always been interested in the why as well as the how; at our heart we are a philosophical organisation.

But our feet are firmly planted on the ground, and understanding how we create and present a series of smaller experiences which help us move towards an often unknown, but always intriguing, bigger understanding, is one of our strengths.

Keeping clear sight of the bigger picture, whilst being able to distil down key ideas or skills, is vital in enabling individuals or communities to feel like they can trust the logic of the next step, or the next stage, whilst being inspired onwards by the bigger prize. Trusting too that understanding builds even when the process isn’t linear, and that getting lost along the way might make for a richer journey and deeper understanding.

This way of thinking applies to all creative thought and action – from the teachers and children in Primary School, to decision making in larger organisations. We are proud that as an organisation we can help enable this way of thinking and acting.

*Lao Tzu

Paula, April 2024

Explore our other Core Values here.

To Apply…

This Core Value is aimed at current Art and Design students from foundation level and up.

The successful candidate will be paid £450 for one web-friendly illustration / piece or artwork, with a license of 5 years for use on the AccessArt website and social media. We will also give a year’s complimentary membership to AccessArt.   

We will accept a range of 2D and 3D outcomes from Illustrations, GIFs, Graphic Design, Sculpture, Photography to Paintings and more, as long as the outcome can be displayed in a web-friendly form. The AccessArt team are looking for images which will communicate our core values to our audiences of artists, educators and facilitators. 

To express your interest in this opportunity please share a little about yourself and why the core value of ‘Understanding’ resonates with you, and why it might be important to others. Please also provide links to examples of your work, eg a website, Instagram account or a digital portfolio. Please send all expressions of interest to These can be sent via WeTransfer if files are too big to email.  

Deadline for expression of interest: 21st June 2024.  

We will be in touch on the 4th July 2024 to let you know if your expression of interest has been successful.  

The deadline for successful candidate to submit commission: 1st August 2024.