Collage and Construction
By Paula Briggs
This resource documents 3 sessions at Jeavons Wood Primary School in Cambourne, Cambridgeshire, in which I’ll be working with a year 5 pupil and a year 4 pupil for one hour once a week. Through regular sessions, and in collaboration with the school, the aim is to:
- Provide the opportunity for the children to develop their hands-on making and visual arts skills through regular contact and small group work;
- Help build confidence in the children in all areas of their school life, including academic, social, creative and practical skills, and so demonstrate the importance of hands-on creative epxloration;
- Inspire visual arts projects amongst other pupils and staff in the school by sharing outcomes.

The children spent three, hour long sessions exploring modroc as a construction material. I kept the subject matter deliberately open. We talked about creating collages and sculptures based upon landscape and architecture, without being too controlling about outcomes.
To Begin
To start, the children used magazine imagery to create small square or rectangular scetions of collage. We looked at how we could take areas of colour in an image and give it a new context /meaning. For example the colour and texture of a woman’s hair might become a field, or a blue grey coat become a stormy sky.

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AccessArt is a UK Charity and we believe everyone has the right to be creative. AccessArt provides inspiration to help us all reach our creative potential.
Sheila, AccessArt
November 21, 2016 @ 12:43 pm
WOW! 100% brilliant! Fabulous work and fantastic method for thinking and constructing in 3D. Love it. Totally.