Pathway: Cloth, Thread, Paint
Pathway for Years 3 & 4
Painting, Sewing, Drawing, Sketchbooks
Key Concepts:
That artists can combine art and craft using painting and sewing together to make art.
That when we use two media together such as paint and thread, we can use their unique qualities in different ways to build an image.
That the skills we learn in one medium such as mark making in drawing, can be used in another such as sewing.
That we don’t have to use materials in traditional ways – it is up to us to reinvent how we use materials and techniques to make art.
In this pathway children are introduced to artists that combine paint and sewing, art and craft, to make work.
Children explore how these artists use fabric, paint and thread to make work in response to landscapes (and sometimes the people within those landscapes).
Children are invited to start by creating an underpainting on cloth, using paint in a fluid and intuitive way. They then go on to explore sewing not as a precise technical craft, but as an alternative way to make intuitive, textural marks, over the painted backgrounds.
Sketchbooks and drawing are used as a way for pupils to discover their own personal response to the landscape used as stimulus, and as a way to explore mark making, colour and composition.
Fabric (Calico), Paint, Thread
Artists: Alice Kettle, Hannah Rae
If you use this resource in your setting, please tag us on social media: #InspiredBy @accessart (facebook, twitter) (instagram) and share the url. Thank you!

Teaching Notes
Find the MTP for this pathway here.
Find a recording that supports the Finding Marks Made by Artists resource here.
Curriculum Links
Geography: Adapt your focus to create sewn landscapes/oceans according to topic.
History: Create a sewn scene inspired by a local history event.
Science: Explore habitats, Local environment, materials.
Maths: Pattern, measuring.
I Can…
I have explored how artists combine media and use them in unusual ways to make art.
I can share my response to their work.
I can use my sketchbook to make visual notes capturing ideas that interest me.
I can use my sketchbook to test ideas and explore colour and mark making.
I can use paint to create a background on fabric, mixing colours to create different hues, tints and dilutions.
I can use thread and stitching to create textural marks over the top of my painted canvas, creating interesting marks which reflect my response to the landscape.
I can share my work with others and share my thoughts about the process and outcome. I can listen to their feedback and take it onboard.
I can appreciate the work of my classmates enjoying the similarities and differences between our processes and outcomes. I can share my feedback on their work.
I can take photographs of my work, thinking about lighting and focus.