Clay Moulds


This is one of a series of 3 posts demonstrating Simple Casting Techniques.

In this post, artist Melissa Pierce Murray, shows, step-by-step, how teenagers explored plaster casting by making simple clay ‘waste moulds’ and then moved on to making simple ‘two piece moulds’.

By Melissa Pierce Murray

Simple Plaster Casts from Clay Moulds

A simple mould can be made by pressing directly into clay. This type of mould is called a ‘waste mould’, as it is designed to be used only once. Using this technique you can make complex forms with textures or undercuts, and it is even possible to make two piece moulds.  The disadvantage is that you have to work in inverse, making the space that your form occupies. This stretches the imagination, but on the other hand leads to exciting surprises when the clay is removed and the plaster cast emerges!

A simple mould can be made by pressing directly into plaster

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