Chimera Drawings into Beautiful Terracotta Tiles

By Eleanor Somerset


Sgraffito, or ‘scratching’ is a technique which is an excellent way to reinforce mark making with all age groups.

Drawing into leather hard red clay tiles to create designs using mark-making can be even more effective when done through a white earthernware slip to reveal the red clay beneath.

Scraffito onto a clay tile with a coloured slip
Sgraffito onto a clay tile with a coloured slip


Following on from two previous sessions Chimera and Wax Resist with Coloured Inks and Sgraffito on Foamboard, children at the Little Art Studio made sketchy pencil drawings on paper within a two 6” square tile framework and then scraffito onto terracotta with a clay slip.

Drawing, scraffito onto foamboard and tile with clay slip
Drawing, sgraffito onto foamboard and tile with clay slip


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