A collection of imagery and sources designed to stimulate conversation around the work of Mark Hearld.
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Mark Hearld
Taking his inspiration from the flora and fauna of the British countryside, Mark Hearld works across a number of mediums, producing limited edition lithographic and linocut prints, unique paintings, collages and hand-painted ceramics. – St Jude’s Prints
Watch the first 5 minutes of this video to see how Hearld creates some of his collages.
Explore more of Mark Hearld’s collages inspired by the natural world.
Questions to Ask Children
After seeing how Hearld creates patterns for his collages, what do you like/dislike about this process?
What do you like about Hearld’s collages? How do they make you feel?
Do Herald’s collages remind you of anything?
Questions To Ask Children
Mark creates work using lots of different techniques, which is your favourite method of working and why?
List the different methods of working that you can see in the video. How does Mark’s knowledge and experience of one technique inform his other methods of working?
Questions to Ask Children
Is there a place in your local area that inspires you? Where is it and why do you feel inspired by it?
Thinking about sight, sound and touch, note down what you might experience when you visit your chosen inspiring local area.