Making and Drawing Birds

Enjoy these resources which we hope will help inspire your exploration of drawing and making birds.

creating decorative designs from birds: markmaking, texture and pattern

In the Company of Birds


Rowan: Making a Clay Bird from a Mould

dragons and birds in eggs: hidden and revealed

making birds! sculptural ideas for primary schools

Sculptural Birds in Flight by Teenage Makers

rook: transforming materials

Printing at Battyford Primary, Inspired by Hester Cox

‘Flock’ at Prospect House School, Inspired by Veronica Lindsay-Addy

book transformation: flock of birds

drawing birds with mixed media: creating effects with oil pastels, crayons and ink washes

‘Dawn Chorus’ by Marcus Coates

Colourful Sculptural Birds by Pupils at Donhead Preparatory School

Priscilla the Puffin: Make a Simple Bird Mobile

How to Make a Simple Origami Bird by Melanie Johns

Paper Pidgeon Project

‘Birds in the Trees’ by Pupils at Battyeford Primary School

Brave Young Makers: Year Three Pupils at Ridgefield Primary Transform materials into Birds and Insects

making modroc sculpture

cantus articus (Concerto for birds and orchestra) Op.61: Images Inspired by Music

Perseverance, Determination and Inventiveness: Building Nests

Colourful Sculptural Birds by Pupils at Donhead Preparatory School

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Visual Arts Planning Collections: Birds

Drawing Birds with Oil Pastels and Washes


Drawing feathers


minpin 17

Transformation Project: Cardboard and….

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Visual Arts Planning Collections: Cardboard and paper

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the transformation project

Drawing feathers

Book Transformation: Flock of Birds


Making Sea Sculptures at Culford School, Suffolk

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Pathway: Playful Making

Featured in the 'Playful Making' pathway

Featured in the ‘Playful Making’ pathway

Talking Points: Introduction to sculpture

What is Sculpture

Talking Points: Nnena Kalu

Jennifer Lauren Gallery Work By Nnena Kalu

Talking Points: Linda BEll

Linda Bell at Arts Fringe

Making a Scarecrow Out of Moss

Inspired by Joseph Cornell: Making a Decorative Aviary Box

See This Resource Used In Schools…

Year 2, Ruth at Carden Primary School
Year 2, Ruth at Carden Primary School
Year 2, Ruth at Carden Primary School
Year 2, Ruth at Carden Primary School
Year 2, Ruth at Carden Primary School
Year 2, Ruth at Carden Primary School

A Model Studio by Susie Olczak

Rook – Transforming Materials

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Visual Arts Planning Collections: Birds

Drawing Birds with Oil Pastels and Washes


Drawing feathers

flying minpin birds

minpin 17

3D Drawing in a Frame

Manipulating Paper: Turning 2D into 3D

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Pathway: Making Birds

Featured in the 'Making Birds' pathway

Featured in the ‘Making Birds’ pathway

Pathway: Typography and Maps

This is featured in the 'Typography and Maps' pathway

This is featured in the ‘Typography and Maps’ pathway

Adapting AccessArt: 2d to 3d

Drawings of Paper Sculptures by Yu-Ching Chiu

Book Transformation: Flock of Birds

See This Resource Used In Schools…

Year 5, Littletown School
Year 5, Littletown School
Year 5, Littletown School

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Pathway: Making Birds

This resource is featured in the 'Making Birds' pathway

This resource is featured in the ‘Making Birds’ pathway

Visual Arts Planning Birds: Making & Drawing

Plinth People: Sculptural Self Portraits

See This Resource Used In Schools…

Y4 Whitchurch Primary school
Y4 Whitchurch Primary school
Y4 Whitchurch Primary school
Y4 Whitchurch Primary school
Wadebridge Primary School
Wadebridge Primary School
Wadebridge Primary School
Wadebridge Primary School
Year 4, St Michaels Community Academy
Year 5/6, Kaikorai School
Year 5/6, Kaikorai School
Year 5/6, Kaikorai School
Year 5/6, Kaikorai School
Year 5/6, Kaikorai School
Year 5/6, Kaikorai School

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Ordinary Men: Interview with Thomas J Price

Miniature Matchbox Museums by Anna Linch

Animal Sculpture and Collage with Students at Philip Southcote School, Surrey

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Paper Sculptures: Dipping Objects in Paper Pulp

Inspired by Google Earth: Making

Recording & Communicating through Narrative with Degree Level Contemporary Craft Students by Vanessa Marr

Exploring Materials: Plaster and String

Printing Patterns on Jewellery Pieces